Let’s face it; we are not spring-chickens anymore. We should spend more time using physio balls and foam rollers to aid in recovery after a workout. And before our workouts, we should warm-up our muscle joints and tendons properly. However, we are typically anxious to get to the strength and conditioning part of the workout session.
Today we are going to discuss the warm-up portion called the dynamic warm up. Many of the moves look similar to the exercises we do in the strength portion of the workout, albeit, with a load (kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell).
A “dynamic” warm-up consists of “moving” while stretching your muscles and not sitting or standing in one place. Dynamically warming up means that we get a chance to develop better coordination, core strength and integrated movement between upper and lower body. Dynamic stretching requires movement without compensation through all three planes of motion.
This warm-up allows me to get an overall impression of a clients’ functional status. And, being a “functional” (purposeful) trainer, this means more to me.
A “static” warm-up is the opposite. You are stretching, but not moving. Standing or seated toe touching is a classic example of a static stretch. Research now indicates this type of stretching is best suited for the end of the training session.

#1 – Do any of the movements cause you pain? If so, send me a message and I will help you improve your efficiency. (Never continue to do an exercise that causes you pain. There is always a workaround for that movement.)
#2 – Are you able to perform all the exercise with a full range of motion? If not, what’s keeping you from doing so? Do you feel tight in certain areas of your body? Send me a message and I will advise you on how to loosen up that muscle.
#3 – Were you able to perform every movement without resting? It’s ok if you can’t because at least you know you are working at or near your cardiovascular threshold. As time goes by, keep track of how many you can complete without rest. This helps you gauge cardiovascular improvement.
Watch the best video I have ever been involved in to see a magnificent display of grace, athleticism and coordinated movement by one of my favorite clients, Erin C.
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