In a meta-analysis of Randomized controlled studies, Chilibeck et al. discovered that creatine usage coupled with strength training in adults 50 years of age and older was practically harmless. Of the 720 or so participants across twenty-two studies, only 4 studies mentioned gastrointestinal dis…

Being a Personal trainer, runner, and soon to be Sports Performance Specialist, aerobic enduranc…

Renowned sports performance coach, Mike Boyle, a leader in the fitness industry, got a little ti…

In 2019 ACL.gov reported that the number of Americans 65 and over was 54 million or 16% of the A…

“Good habits make time your ally and bad habits make time your enemy.” -James Clear, Atomic Habi…

If you remember from my last newsletter, I said I would expand in the future on body composition…

In my previous article, we discussed protein: how much, deleterious effects and its relationship…

In my nearly 11 years of personal training, I can’t think of a topic that has been more widely d…

If you are vegan, vegetarian, or even eat meat like me, and want to drastically reduce your inta…

According to the CDC, 42.8% of adults aged 40 to 59 are obese. Most Americans agree that diet an…

Far too often, we look to supplements, energy drinks or energy bars to help make us perform more…

Breaking news! According to Cornell Professor of Nutrition and Psychology, David Levitsky, exerc…

Normally I begin each year with resolutions that are near and dear to my heart. Things like savi…

Listen to my client, Dr. Jerry Kram, describe his personal battle with Covid-19 and how he survi…

To the body, it’s all resistance training. Your body doesn’t know if you’re using dumbells, kett…

By now I am sure you’ve heard that the Working Body is closing its doors. This is a transition f…

Listening to music while exercising does not just relieve boredom, it can help improve the quali…
As a father of two children, I am keenly aware of how frustrating our current situation can be fo…

We all know that stress can lead people to seek out unhealthy food. And during a crisis like the …

Hello everyone,
Trust that you are coping with the fact that we are going to be “sheltering in…

Hello all,
I hope you are continuing to stay safe, healthy, and sane as we make our way throug…

Like everyone else, the recent Covid19 pandemic has left me searching for new ways to live my lif…

2019 was one of the best years of my life. We closed on a home. Vacationed every other month. Con…

Have you ever considered why you might not be physically creating the strength gains or “look” yo…

Let me tell you a little story about what occurred last Friday in Jack London Square. I was with …

This quote is what PRF is all about.
Why do you think I write these blogs, attend conferences, …

Wanna work out while traveling?
Here’s a full body workout you can do easily and effectively w…

Want to know my honest opinion? Going through the process of losing weight SUCKS! I believe it is…

When most of us think about the words “strength training,” we envision an exercise being done wit…

In today’s fitness industry, I find that there are far too many ultracrepidarians. An ultracrepid…

The beginning of the new year has been somewhat traumatizing for me. I am suffering from jolts of…
What my new title, Master Trainer, means for YOU!
After nearly eight years in the health a…

Yes! 50-75 years olds are athletes. They are fitness athletes, lifestyle athletes, and competiti…

Let’s face it; we are not spring-chickens anymore. We should spend more time using physio balls a…

As Promised… Here Are Your Upper Body Self Myofascial Release Exercises.
As we discussed in…

Got Fascia? Of course, you do and so does everyone else in the world…
Fascia is the term us…

Are you sitting there hunched over, in front of your computer, cranking out that last spread shee…

Put Yourself First. “You are worthless to your colleagues, friends, and family if you do not v…